Where Do I Find Love? 2

Your life is fill with many facets.  You’ve got your family, career, friendships, health and beliefs.  Sure, everyone talks about achieving success in all of these areas.  But it seems that people are most concerned with one major topic: Love.  Consequently, I’m not talking about Self-Love or the Love for the environment; I’m talking about your “True Love”, your “Soul Mate” and your “Twin Flame” kind of Love.  Before we delve into the “how to make long distance work” or “is he cheating on me” topics, you need to have an actual relationship first.  Therefore, the most common question that I am asked is “Where Do I Find Love?”

The Mission: To comprehend your dying question of Where Do I Find Love and practice its answer.

To all my single Journey Embracers out there, the answer I’m going to give you, you’re not going to like.  Whereas, all my coupled Embracers will just read this and nod your head in agreeance (or at least that’s what I’m envisioning).  I can’t say that I have ever looked for love.  It’s not like I never thought about it or didn’t want it in my life from time to time, but I never actively stressed over it.  Yet somehow, I have found myself in relationships – good and bad.  Regardless of the relationship itself or how it ended, they all have two things in common: I never sought it out and there was always a lesson.

I’ve been asked Where Do I Find Love numerous times.  I don’t know why people choose me to ask their heavy question.  Is it because I’m usually in a relationship when I’m asked or is it because when I’m not in one, I don’t seem to care that I’m in an affair with myself?  Regardless as to why I’m asked, I, however, know the answer.  Ok, folks – here’s your answer to Where Do I Find Love?

You don’t.

Where Do I Find Love

That’s right.  You don’t find it nor do you look for it.  I just dashed your dreams of a white picket fence and your fairy-tale happily-ever-after, didn’t I?  I’m not sorry.  The fact of the matter is simple: let it come.  Let Love find YOU.  I can just imagine all the eye rolling going on right now.  The plummeting anticipation and disappointment is thick!  However, don’t discount me just yet.

Love comes when you least expect it.  Read that again, but slower: Love comes when you least expect it.  I can guarantee that once you stop looking for love and start focusing on yourself, it’ll find you.  Get out and do things you enjoy.  Do things that make you happy.  Focus on your life.  Concentrate on the multiple Life aspects I mentioned above: family, career, friendships, health and beliefs.  Those are the traits that make you, YOU.  Love yourself first!  Appreciate your life.  Once you’ve got your happiness on track and you’re living life to its fullest – that’s when it’ll happen.  That’s when Love will come in and mess it all up.  That’s a joke – but to anyone who can relate just laughed. 

The Moral: Where Do I Find Love?  You don’t.  You let Love find you.  Love yourself and start living.  Love will find you when you’re ready.  Search for Love internally instead.  

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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