Many years ago, I sat down in a salon chair and anticipated feeling like a brand-new person after my usual trim and shape-up. The hairdresser threw on the paper-thin cape and raked her fingers through my hair, asking me the inevitable, “What are you looking for?” I told her what I tell every hairdresser, “just a trim, shape up my layers, and frame my face.” She seemed confident with my request and directed me to the sink to wash my hair. What she learned about me later, probably still has her scratching her head.
The Mission: To explain why it’s OK to Use Whatever Shampoo You Want.
Just a disclaimer before I continue my tale, I don’t venture too far from my comfortable hairstyle. I have dyed my hair twice in over three decades. The first time was when a girlfriend and I cut school; that turned out atrocious. So bad, in fact, it resulted in the second time that I dyed my hair back to my original color… by a professional. I use a heat protectant, proper brushes, and I condition regularly. Therefore, I don’t put a lot of strain on my hair, thus I would say, my hair is adequately healthy.
OK, with that out of the way, back to the story. After my washing, she sat me down and combed my sopping wet hair as I geared up for the predictable 30 questions about my life as hairdressers usually do. But instead of starting out with “What are your plans today” or “What do you do for a living”, she asked, “Your hair is really healthy, what shampoo do you use?”
I cringed because I knew she wasn’t going to like my answer. Regardless, I chuckled and said, “You won’t like my answer, but I use Suave.”
Now for those of you who don’t know. Suave, apparently, is not a good shampoo. It’s got sulfates, fragrance, and other “harsh chemicals”. It could “also leave hair dry and brittle.”
Upon my response, she went silent. I might have gotten an “oh” out of her, but that was it. Consequently, she was quiet throughout the entire haircut, which is rare. I can’t be sure, but I gathered that she was genuinely interested in the shampoo I used because of the health of my hair and when I told her that I used a, *gasp*, drugstore shampoo, she didn’t know what to say. I’m only surmising, but I’m pretty sure I had a good read on her.
I have researched haircare on and off throughout my Journey Called Life. Inspired by YouTube hair gurus and researching online has led me down the rabbit hole of buying sulfate-free, expensive shampoos, high-end, hydrating conditioners, fancy flat irons, ionic technology hair dryers, round brushes to make your hair silky smooth… the list goes on. Using these gadgets and products is fun and luxurious until six to eight months later, I realize that my hair isn’t behaving like it used to. So, I just figure that I need a haircut, but now I can brag that I use better, more expensive products!

Nope, that wasn’t it. Once I get home and style my hair like I usually do, my hair still isn’t the same. Eventually, I go back to my tried and true, Suave… BAM! There I am! That’s why, you should Use Whatever Shampoo You Want! Then the cycle continues.
This post about shampoo may seem like a silly, entertaining story, but I assure you, there’s a lesson in the narrative.
Instead of being swayed by these gurus that make money off your clicked links and views, use whatever the heck you want because you know Yourself better than anyone else. If something works for you, then stick with it, regardless of what others may say. What works for you may not work for them and vice versa. And this goes way beyond shampoo. It could be the clothes you wear, what you eat, the hobbies you hold, your values, and your identity. Live how you want to live and Use Whatever Shampoo You Want
Just recently, I got a haircut. My hairdresser washed my hair and took me back to her chair. I kid you not, she asked me what shampoo I used. Like I was thrown back in time, I chuckled and said, “I usually use Suave, but I’ve been using Redken lately.” She seemed a bit surprised and stated that the type of Redken I was using usually causes dryness, but she offers the brand in her shop. Not knowing how to respond, I just nodded as she worked her magic.
A few days later, I’m back to Suave – and my hair feels great.
Its true, use what works for you. Everyone is different and products that work for some may not work for you.