Love is a Verb 2

Love it or Hate it: Love always comes up in conversation.  You’re in love?  Great!  It’s hearts, flowers, unicorns and rainbows.  You just got dumped?  Love sucks and you are going to stay single because no one gets you!  Regardless of where you are on the Love Spectrum one thing remains true about a loving relationship: Love is a Verb.


Mission: To explain that Love is a Verb and ACTION must be taken in order for a healthy bond.


Each person has their own personality.  Hence, when two different personalities come together, it becomes a relationship.  Soon that dynamic blossoms into a loving partnership.  This concept is not unique.  What is unique, now-a-days, is how lazy people have become in relationships.


Simply saying “I love you”, giving a peck on the cheek or a random text, just isn’t enough.  Love is a Verb.  For my grammar-challenged peeps out there (yes, I said peeps… 90’s kid here…), a verb is something you DO.  Your partner can talk until they’re blue in the face saying “I’m going to do this”, “I’m sorry about that”, “I’ll never do that again” or “I’ll love you forever”, but if there are no concrete actions behind those words, promises fall flat.  Time after time, when words end up empty, the trust will eventually fade.  Once the trust crumbles, communication will soon follow.  Goodbye communication – Goodbye Love.  As a result of, you end up sitting in front of the TV with a pint of ice cream cursing at those stupid characters for falling in love – those fools!



Think of it this way – if you truly love and care for your devoted partner, putting action behind your love will be easy.  I’m not saying grand gestures of undying love are required.  Love is so much simpler than that.  Listen, hold, care, laugh, talk, trust, understand, play, solve, cuddle, joke (the list goes on)… all actions and all love.


If your partner comes to you over a concern, listen to them and work together to get through it.  There is a misconception these days that relationships are easy.  Relationships are not easy.  You will disagree, get annoyed and have a shameful urge to choke them in their sleep.  However, HOW the both of you handle the problems and what you both DO, will decide the longevity of the relationship.


One-sided relationships are doomed to fail.  Both parties are responsible for Action.  If one person does all the work, it will become tiring and will result in a hazardous crash of the heart.  And trust me, it will hurt like hell.


Relationships are a Team: a team of two people choosing togetherness to enjoy life.  It’s as simple as that.  You choose someone to enjoy life and to conquer the world.


And you can’t conquer the world by sitting in front of the TV.  And you can’t conquer Love without Action.


Moral: Love is a Verb.  You must work toward your happily ever after… every day.  A relationship worth having is worth fighting for.


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet your ass I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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