A Successful Marriage is Two People Holding Hands While Walking Through a Meadow

Get ready, Journey Embracers, because my metaphorical mind is overflowing.  Relationships don’t have to be hard.  You just need the right person to walk the Journey.  I am a firm believer that a successful marriage is two people holding hands while walking through a meadow.  To my left-brain readers, bear with me on my symbolic, relationship rant.

The Mission: To rationalize why A Successful Marriage is Two People Holding Hands While Walking Through a Meadow.

It was high school health class.  The lesson for the period was healthy relationships and successful marriages.  I, like everyone else, was giving minimal attention to this boring, irrelevant topic.  I remember having my head down, probably doodling my crush’s name in my notebook.  The teacher asked, “how do you envision a successful marriage?”  Of course, no one raised their hand.  Then she called my name.  I should have come up with some cheesy, reasonable answer that she wanted to hear.  But no, of course I didn’t do that.  Without skipping a beat, I gave her the most metaphorical answer that my holistic-self could think of.  I responded, “two people holding hands while walking through a meadow.”

I kid you not.  Now, please realize, I was more than willing to explain my ridiculous answer, but the teacher just replied with an “okay,” and changed the topic.  In my head, I immediately realized how foolish it sounded.  I’m sure I was a conversation piece at many dinner tables that night.  But to be honest, over fifteen years later, I still stand by my answer.  I still defend my metaphorical marriage answer.

Had the teacher let me elaborate, I would have been able to tell her that the meadow represents a shared life.  As you gather by now, we are all on this Journey Called Life.  We all walk our own paths.  There comes a time when our paths cross with others and you end up walking the same path.  The meadow represents the life you are living with your partner.  Together, you are in your own little world.

In this shared world, you will come across the good and the bad.  The good parts are the flowers, birds and rainbows.  The bad parts are the wolves, storms and mountains.  Just to give a few examples.  For all my left-brainers out there, the good times will come with laughter, fun and smooth sailing.  The bad parts of a relationship are the money problems, disagreements and struggles.  Every relationship has its bright and dark sides.  This is where the holding hands come in play.

When I say “hold hands”, I mean sticking by each other.  It means having each other’s backs.  It means that no matter what, your partner is by your side.  It’s easy to “hold hands” through the good times.  You are both high on Cloud Nine and ready to conquer the world.  You are the Power Couple and you are unstoppable!  The endorphins are in over-drive and it’s a wonderful world.

However, the real test is if you two are holding hands when the times get tough.  Where is your partner when there’s a tornado?  Are they with you in the rain or are they already under shelter without you?  When troubled waters rise, where is your partner?  Ideally, they are right by your side communicating, supporting and fighting WITH you.

Together, you are a team.  You are in ONE world.  To really be that Power Couple and to really take on the World, you must “hold hands” through the tough times.  That’s how you’ll really know.  If each partner is surviving in the same world individually, then it really isn’t a relationship.  If you aren’t in this wholeheartedly, then what is the point of sharing a world with this person? You might as well live in your own world by yourself.

It takes work and don’t forget that Love is a Verb.  Today’s society is so accustomed to instant gratification and the ease of everything.  Well newsflash, people, relationships are not easy.  In this relationship meadow, the grass needs to be cut, there is a lot of walking, there will be floods, it will get too hot or too cold, poisonous snakes are abundant and each of you will fall multiple times.  However, on the bright side, there will be games of tag, the view will be amazing, there will be sweet smells of flowers, fun adventures and the best part is you’re experiencing it with someone you love.

So yes, metaphorically speaking, a successful marriage is two people holding hands while walking through a meadow.  It’s all about your happiness and perspective.  This is your life and you get to choose how to live it.

The Moral: A successful marriage is two people holding hands while walking through a meadow.  They are side by side enjoying the stroll ready to face anything that crosses their path. 

They are individually on their own Journey.  But as a couple, they are in a new dimension of their own joined Journey Called Life, Together.

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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