Does Your Vote Really Matter This Election?

Whether you choose to vote in this election or not, this is one big decision to make.  We are forced to make a decision based on one extreme to the other.  So, Does Your Vote Really Matter This Election?


Mission: To examine if one candidate is better suited for the Presidency over the other.


One question that comes to mind when deciding on the best candidate to run or country is, why must there be two extreme choices?  Isn’t it odd to anyone that one candidate’s opinions differ so much from the other?  Instead of fighting and insulting each other’s opinions, why isn’t the common good for people coming to light?


It seems to me that they are forcing people to pick sides.  Putting people in a ring of doom to nitpick and insult the other seems to be their goal. Therefore, Does Your Vote Really Matter This Election?


We are all One. Don’t we all basically want the same things?  Aren’t we all after freedom, happiness, abundance, and peace?  As the saying goes, can’t we all just get along?


If we all get on one page and work towards a common goal, what would happen?  Together, we will rise and create good in the world.  So, why are they forming sides for us to forcibly choose? One word.




If they lose control, then they lose money and, of course, power over you, me, and the collective.


I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have a leader and for us all to run wild.  However, what I am proposing is for us to question why there is so much of a divide.  Who is placing that metaphorical line in the sand?  Question it and dig deep to awaken to what is really going on.


So come election day, vote for the red, vote for the blue, or don’t vote at all. The choice is yours.  I’m not here to sway you in either direction.  I just ask for you to question as to why they are swaying us.


Does Your Vote Really Matter this Election?


We are all in this together.  Relax your egos and go into your heart. Stay Woke.


The moral:  Don’t just follow what you hear and read.  Don’t be afraid to question the agendas and go within to find what life is really about. And answer the question of “Does Your Vote Really Matter This Election?”.


This is your Journey Called Life – live it well.


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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