Hair Stylists are Professional Stalkers 2

I dial the hair salon’s phone number.  I am praying that they can take me on that day (because when I want a haircut, I want it NOW).  Luckily, they have an opening.  Excitement overcomes me in preparation for pamperedness.  I think about how my 1 inch trim will make me into a new woman!  As I walk in the salon, the yummy hair product hit my nose.  I take a seat and prepare myself to reveal my entire life story.

The Mission: To contemplate if Hair Stylists are Professional Stalkers.

It always starts out normal.  They sit me in their chair and ask me what I want done. Then I say the same thing every time:  “I want no more than an inch taken off, spruce up my layers (yes, I say spruce) and frame my face.”

“OK, let’s get you shampooed” they reply.  Going great so far.  I sit in the shampoo chair and lay my head back on that uncomfortable ceramic sink.  They do their thing and when I’m lucky, they give me a scalp massage.  Ahh, just what I needed.  A nice, quiet pampering session…


They take me back to their chair and that’s when it all starts.

“Where do you work?”

“What are you doing later?”

“Do you have any kids?”

“What do you like to do for fun?”

“Do you have a significant other?”

“Where are you from?”

“Are you out shopping today or just getting a haircut?”


Hair Stylists are Professional Stalkers

By the time I pay, they know my whole life story.  There goes my quiet, relaxing session.  To be quite honest, when I get a stylist that doesn’t talk much, I tip her (or on the rare occasion, him) more.

With the hundreds of haircuts that I’ve received and with all the conversations I’ve had, I always thought that they were just being polite, giving superb customer service, or simply making conversation.   Understanding that, I, however, would rather just sit there and say nothing.

Then I came across a YouTuber, ElleBangs.  She is a professional hairstylist and she said that hairstylists will ask you certain questions to see what type of haircut is right for you.  For example, if you are a die-hard gym rat, then you’d want a haircut long enough to put up in a ponytail.  If you are a mother of multiple children, you’ll want a haircut that is low maintenance.  Afterward, the light bulb came on.  Yes, that makes complete sense.  Subsequently, I felt bad for thinking about all my hairstylists as stalkers and nosy gossips.

I have no doubt that they are making conversation, but now I realize that they are doing their job and making sure that the haircut you pick, is right for you and your lifestyle.

The Moral: It just goes to show that new realizations are learned every day.  Judgments can be corrected.  We need to be more Accepting of Humanity.  And never assume that a job is as easy as it looks.  For the big moral here, hairstylists are NOT professional stalkers (not most of them anyway).

Do you have an interesting hair salon story?  Share in the comments!

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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