10+ Weird Annoyances in Life

Individuality is a unique, sacred thing.  Instead of nit-picking the difference among us, we should celebrate and accept that everyone is different.  As the saying goes, if everyone were the same, the world would be a boring place.  As a society, we need to respect our differences.  If you happen to not agree or dislike someone’s individuality, then just accept that it’s not your life.  Let people live their lives.  We all have Weird Annoyances in Life, some may agree with my list and others may not.  You can respectfully decide.

The Mission: To acknowledge and accept our differences and understand that my 10+ Weird Annoyances in Life may or may not be in line with yours.

Life is a wonderful experience and we all go about it differently. We all have our interests and weird likes, but we also all have things in Life that annoy us. Here are my 10+ Weird Annoyances in Life:

1. Hiccups – I don’t mind hiccups, but what bothers me is when I’m waiting for them to continue, but after anticipating another, it doesn’t come. That waiting period of another one, only to realize they are gone, is annoying.

2. That Lonely Dish – when I finish washing the dishes and ready to relax, I realize that, lo and behold, a lonely dirty glass. Darn it – back to the sink to wash this lonely glass.


3. Rain Car Wash – we’ve all been there… we go out and get a glorious car wash, only to have it rain the next day. I could have saved myself $6+! Thanks, Mother Nature!

4. Empty Keurig – there are too many times where I start my Keurig to get my Pumpkin Spice Coffee and I walk away to do something else. When I come back, there is nothing in the cup. Oops, no water! Eh… it’s just a small detail that annoys me in a big way.

5. Dog in the Crotch – I can’t imagine anyone liking this, but when you go to someone’s house and they have a dog. Nothing wrong with that, right? Of course not, that is until the dog’s nose pokes you in the crotch. Then there’s an uncomfortable, embarrassing fight to gently push the dog away while trying to not seem harsh.

6. Condiment Juice – this skeeves me out. You have a juicy burger ready to coat with ketchup, but what comes out? Ketchup juice – just thinking about it gives me the heebie-jeebies. This goes for the mustard juice too. That is why I always do the first squirt in the sink.

7. Sleeve Bunching – I brought this annoyance into adulthood from when I was a kid. It’s those times that you put on a jacket and your sleeve bunches up in the coat. That feeling just sends chills throughout my body. Thanks to my grandpa, I learned early on how to hold my sleeve while I slip it in my jacket. Great advice, Gramps!

8. Sock Seams – continuing with the clothing, the seam of the sock MUST go over the toes, not across them in the front. This is another kid annoyance that I brought into adulthood. As I write this list, I am realizing how picky I actually am…


9. Interviews – job interviews must be one of the worst annoyance in life. The nervousness, the anticipation, the excitement, the hope, the preparation, etc. It is highly stressful.

10. Click Bait – this is a new weird annoyance for me. I understand why website have ads. I usually don’t mind ads, but when there is a list of items that I have to click through each page for one item, it’s unacceptable. Another thing I’ve noticed recently is ads in the middle of a video you are watching. I don’t mind watching an ad at the beginning, but a commercial in the middle of a 3 minute video? Really?

11. Bed Covers – this might be my weirdest annoyance, but I am the human version of the Princess and the Pea when it comes to bed covers. When I make the bed, the covers need to be perfectly draped over the sides. When I’m in bed, I cannot have the covers up too high or down too low. They need to be tucked under the mattress so there’s not too much overhang. Yeah – self-proclaimed Princess and the Pea…

Perfect Bed

The Moral: So there you have it. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. We are all different and that should be celebrated. We do all have one thing in common though, we are all on this Journey Called Life despite our Weird Annoyances in Life.  Comment below some of your Life Annoyances.


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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