We’ve all got 10+ Personal Weird Pleasures of Life that Will Make You Question Your Uncanny Delights. Every incident that you take pleasure in is dependent on the person. I, for one, LOVE to mop. Mopping makes my floors clean and I probably research and shop for a new one every six months. I don’t know what it is about a simple mop, but I’ve owned a string mop, the spin mop, a Swiffer, a squeeze spray mop and my ultimate favorite (at this moment) a steam cleaner. Not everyone likes to mop, but it’s my personal weird pleasure that makes my soul happy.
The Mission: To allow you to realize, through me, that it’s OK to like the things you do. You’re not weird. Everyone is different and enjoys different things. Here are 10+ Personal Weird Pleasures of Life that Will Make You Question Your Uncanny Delights.
- Self-sufficient Pets – I love it when I notice my Oliver or Sophie going to their bowls to get their tummies full or a drink of water. It warms my heart that they know they have a home with endless amounts of food and water – and they know where to go for it.
- New Trash Bags – Whether a new bag is put into the trash can or if I buy a new box from the store. I love the smell, the shaking it open and placing the new bag in the can. It’s just a clean, refreshed feeling.
- “You’ve Got Mail” – No, I’m not talking about email – Snail Mail! I love going to the mailbox and getting junk mail. Some might throw their eyebrows up at me, but getting only junk mail means one thing: No Bills!
- New Food Containers & Bags – Did you ever stop to enjoy the sounds, smells and looks of new food being opened for the first time? Think about the smell of a new can of coffee, a peanut butter jar un-knifed, a potato chip bag with whole chips, the *POP* from a Snapple cap, the tiny swirl on the top of butter, or breaking the seal from a new gallon of milk. Ahh – I live for this weird pleasure!
- Underwear – Honestly, getting into a new pair of underwear warms my heart and my bum! It’s a daily essential for us all, but I take that to the extreme and revel in its simplicity.
- Gassed Up – I think it’s awesome when I pull up to a gas pump on E and leave with it on F! It’s a car maintenance chore that I probably enjoy way too much!
- Laundry – Just like mopping, I LOVE doing laundry! It has to be my favorite household chore. I love putting the dirty clothes in the washer, putting in the detergent, taking them out, putting them in the dryer, putting in the dryer sheet and folding the suckers. The best part about the whole thing is having an empty laundry basket!
- Ice Cream Cone Bottom – I purposely get a small ice cream cone just so I have room to savor the ending of it. You know what I’m talking about! The cone grid where the ice cream melts into the crevasses and the wafer softens just enough where it isn’t soggy. That mouthfeel is to die for. Lol – honestly that would probably be my “last meal” if I were to die – an ice cream cone!
- Legs & Sheets – As a woman, I shave my legs – every day. The best part about freshly shaven legs is getting into freshly washed bedsheets. Oooh – I get excited just thinking about it!
- Basement and Gas – Lol – again I’m talking about gasoline. I just love the smell of that musky basement and the smell of gasoline. It’s not like I want to live in the basement or huff gas, but it’s a weird pleasure and it’s my weird pleasure.
- Happy, Clear Soul – This last one may not be weird and it’s safe to say that it’s on everyone’s pleasure list. Nonetheless, the feeling of clarity and direction makes this list. We all get lost on our Life Journeys, so when all the stars align and your soul is happy – you just know it deep within yourself. And that is the most important pleasure of all.
The Moral: All in all it’s your individual weird pleasures that make YOU happy. It’s the little moments that occur in your Life that count the most. So weird or not, make it count and enjoy the little things that make YOU happy and enjoy Life.
We are all Embracing this Journey Called Life – buy a mop if it will make you smile!
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