We are living in a crazy world. It seems that no one can have their own opinion without someone jumping down their throat with pure righteousness. However, what people fail to acknowledge is that it’s OK to have differing opinions, beliefs, and personal priorities. Instead of focusing on someone else, people should be focusing on bettering themselves for themselves. When people get irate over someone’s choices, it simply boils down to resisting understanding.
The Mission: To recognize that Understanding Others Will Lead to a Happier Life.
It boggles my mind as to why there is still racism, hatred, and bullying in this world. Haven’t we, as a society, learned yet that we are all different yet all so alike? Personal power and expressing who you are to the outside world has become more acceptable than it was in the past. However, the discrimination and intolerance has seemed to remain the same. At this point, it goes beyond sexual orientation or the color of your skin. Although, those are not to be discounted. Recent events of the last few years only stirred the enormous pot of “do this” or “don’t do that” debates. Which, I refuse to get into because I, like the rest of you, have my own strong opinions on it.
But here’s the difference… I don’t give a shit.
I don’t give a shit that Sally marries Pamela. Henry cheated on his wife, nope, don’t give a shit. Ben got the v@x, don’t care. Wanda believes in pro-life – great! Grant wants to do drugs, so be it.
But this is what I care about – and what you should consider caring about: Let people live their lives because Understanding Others Will Lead to a Happier Life. Why get so worked up over what your neighbor is doing or not doing? It’s only causing you stress in the end.

Let’s take an easy example, and I’ll make it personal. I am into astrology and tarot card readings. There are many people out there, who if they were to meet me, would scoff at my beliefs and hobbies, maybe even ridicule me to my face. But what will that change? I’m still going to believe in my views and I’m still going to practice my rituals. However, maybe they just don’t understand. People tend to get mad or judgmental over things that they don’t understand.
Maybe if that so-called scoffer would open his/her mind to the wonderful world of tarot they may have a different perspective as to why I enjoy it. And if not, then so be it, but don’t judge me on something I believe or find enjoyable. The same goes for strong opinions on hot topics. If people would just try to understand the other person’s perspective, maybe there wouldn’t be so much hate. Understanding Others Will Lead to a Happier Life because you are not wasting so much close-minded, negative energy. Let people be. The hating needs to stop.
People act and think the way they do because that’s who they are. Simple. There are reasons as to why people act and think the way they do. Understanding the reasons behind those actions and thoughts will broaden the perspective. And guess what, you’re not living their life. I’m sure in many instances, you’re breathing a sigh of relief, but don’t ridicule them because they can just as easily point their finger back at you for something they don’t agree with.
The pendulum swings both ways, and no one is the same, yet somehow, we are. Subsequently, Understanding Others Will Lead to a Happier Life.
The Moral: Be careful how you judge. Be mindful of expressing personal opinions to someone else. Accept others as they are because Understanding Others Will Lead to a Happier Life.