It’s two in the morning and you’re still awake; replaying that embarrassing conversation. You question why you said this or why you didn’t say that. Your cheeks flush with embarrassment, yet again, with how you’ve handled yourself. Beating yourself up and ridiculing your behavior engulfs your waking state. Well, rest assured, Journey Embracer, It’s Only Life: Make the Mistakes.
The Mission: To discuss the uncomfortable feelings of Life’s Mistakes and realize that It’s Only Life: Make the Mistakes.
We are all a work-in-progress: mere humans. Placing yourself on a high pedestal holds risk to have it wobble and fall. I’m not saying to keep your standards low and coast through Life, but what I am saying is to become aware. Become aware of how hard you are on yourself. Know that it’s OK to make mistakes. You are going to say things that piss people off, you will do things that people object to, and you will have opinions that will make others guffaw. It’s OK. It’s Only Life: Make the Mistakes.
Let’s get to the nitty-gritty. What are the real, raw reasons you are up so late replaying your “mistake”? Is it because you acted like a lunatic? Hurt someone’s feelings? Said more than you should have? Sounded dumb? Lied and got caught? Held back your truest feelings? Said things you didn’t mean because you were displacing feelings? The list is endless, so insert your reasoning here. Despite the reason, why are you still awake? Why are you fighting with yourself? Is it because how another person viewed you during your moment of weakness? Or because your pedestal wobbled and you fell? Yes, there’s a lot of questions, but in order to heal, get to the bottom of why you’re feeling like this and then forgive yourself.

This isn’t your first mistake and it won’t be your last. If you truly feel that you’ve done a horrible thing, then learn from it. Never stop trying to be a better You. But just know that It’s Only Life: Make the Mistakes because that’s the only way you’ll grow. It could be that you are feeling the eyes of judgment on your soul of the one you’ve wronged. Then ask yourself if you were being true to yourself, and if that’s the case, then stand firm. You won’t please everyone and it’s more important to be You. If you want to hash it out more in-depth, you don’t have to do it alone.
Nothing in Life is perfect. We are here to learn and grow, and you can’t do that without making a few mistakes. Go easy on yourself; Life is hard enough.
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