Best Friends Forever Do Not Exist

Through no fault of your own, you lied to your BFF.  Best Friends Forever don’t exist.  I’m sorry to throw such a horrible truth at you like this, but you needed to hear it.  And the sooner you accept this fate, the sooner you can move on.

The Mission: To Assess the possibility that Best Friends Forever Do Not Exist.

If you’re of the generation of the endless number of acronyms, you are familiar with “BFF”.  The Best Friends Forever abbreviation has been couple with your bestie’s name on bus window condensation, folded up in secret notes, and hashtagged on social media posts.  But it is really forever?

Unfortunately, life happens and you and your BFF drift apart through no fault of your own.  Jobs, life interests, people, relationships, and hobbies will take you in differing directions and an inevitable drift occurs.  It doesn’t make either one of you a bad person, it just makes you different. 

Best Friends Forever Do Not Exist

If each person gets to choose their own path, you can’t believe that you will be walking the same path forever, can you?  Of course not.  However, it still creates animosity among the friendship if one person decides to broaden their horizons by stepping off the forever path.  It doesn’t mean the friendship is ruined, it just means new purposes and opportunities await each of you.

They will always be a part of your life, and heck, they may even sprinkle themselves back into your lives, but don’t be mad or jealous of their decisions.  We are all vibing on different levels of frequency and we seek out encounters that will match those frequencies.   

We are on this earth to experience love and joy through people, interests, and adventures.  Celebrate the transformations that your friends are undertaking.  Enlighten, Encourage, and Embrace their personal Journey.  Because that’s why we are here – to love one another and to root each other on.

The Moral: Best Friends Forever Do Not Exist.  We are on a personal journey to find out who we truly are on the inside.  Maybe we should start a new trend of BFFN, Best Friends For Now.  Because that’s where we all should be living anyway… in the Now.

Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace your Journey Called Life.

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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