Your Perception Creates Your Reality 3

Did you ever hear the saying that what you send out, you get back?  Or how about thoughts create your reality?  What about this one: you become what you believe?  These whimsical sayings aren’t just spells crafted by wood witches.  Perhaps there is truth of reality behind what we think and how we feel.  Your Perception Creates Your Reality… or maybe that’s just my viewpoint.

The Mission: To investigate the power the mind holds by discussing how Your Perception Creates Your Reality.

During my college years, I worked in the restaurant industry.  I distinctively remember getting ready for one of my shifts and thinking, “I don’t feel like being in a good mood tonight”.  While driving to my job, my mood was low and I was just dreading the night while anticipating the mindset of not wanting to have a good night.  Well, I’m confident in saying that I achieved my goal. 

My shift was boring, I wasn’t happy and (even though I don’t remember) I probably didn’t make a lot of money.  Because I told myself that I didn’t want to be in a good mood at work, I wasn’t.  My perception, my thoughts, created my reality.

The power your mind has over your inner and outer world is astounding.  If you believe something to be true, it will be.  However, you hold the power.  You hold the key.  Your Perception Creates Your Reality.

I want you to do an exercise.  Close your eyes and think of tomorrow’s forecast.  You heard (or read) that it will be a beautiful, sunny day.  What is your immediate feeling?  Was it excitement?  Was it peace?   Now, what if it was a 100% chance of down pouring rain all day?  What is your immediate feeling this time?  Was it dread?  Are you feeling yucky?

Your Perception Creates Your Reality

When the predicted forecast comes into fruition, are your feelings how you thought you’d feel?  Why not feel excited for the rain?  Because you can’t do things outside?  Why not?  That’s only a perception.  I can walk my dogs with an umbrella – so what if I get wet?  Or it will give me a chance to get some stuff done inside the house.  Or you can look at it as a personal rest day.  Some people view rainy days as peaceful.  Whereas another person may view a sunny day as too harsh. 

It’s all about perception and what you believe becomes your reality.

Think about a situation at your job.  A situation that is important to you may not be as important to another party.  Depending on an individual’s perception, the situation will play out accordingly to how it’s perceived.  Hence, the reality of one individual will differ from the reality of another.  Shift the point of views or “walk in someone else’s shoes” to get the bigger picture.  That is, of course, if you want to – it is still your world and you make your own rules.

The Moral:  Changing how you feel or what you believe about a situation isn’t always easy.  Your mind is a powerful thing and routine is comfortable.  However, by altering your mindset, Your Perception CAN Create Your Reality.

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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