The Most Terrifying Aspect of Life

With Halloween right around the corner, The Most Terrifying Aspect of Life surface like a boiling, bubbling cauldron of crow’s beaks, toad warts, sinner’s tears and insect legs.  It’s natural to be scared of many aspects of life.  Some fears are simple.  People are afraid of the dark, spiders, heights and snakes.  Other fears are a little more complicated like the fear of commitment, success and social settings.  Whatever your fear whether it’s simple or not, enjoy this riddle and guess one of my greatest fears.

The Mission: To entertain you with The Most Terrifying Aspect of Life Riddle

The Most Terrifying Aspect of Life

Deep in the shadows lurks an unimaginable force,
You just have to wait it out until it takes its course.

It’s unknown, black and always approaches,
But it never quite comes like infesting cockroaches.

There are no teeth, but it may bite,
Nothing physical and nothing in sight.

It’s always on your mind in some kind of form,
Excitement or anxiety: it becomes your daily norm.

It’s closer than you think and further than you know,
The levels are deep: Timing is fast, sometimes slow.

This multitude of unknowing is terrifying,
It’ll leave you smiling or leave you crying.

Can you guess one of my greatest fears?
I’ll give you a hint: it could take years.

The Moral: It’s common to fear something in your Journey Called Life.  You need to push through your fear and keep going. Franklin D. Roosevelt put it best: “The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”.  Now THAT’S scary!

Happy Halloween, Journey Embracers!

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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