Humanity is Crumbling We Need To Accept Differing Opinions through Acceptance and Humility 2

America is unrecognizable.  Who are we?  What have we become?  Why is everyone so damn fragile?  “We the People” and the “American Dream”, what does it mean anymore? Humanity is Crumbling We Need To Accept Differing Opinions through Acceptance and Humility.  People have a zero patience policy and a zero acceptance policy.  Today’s humanity has taken on three undesirable personality traits: negativity, tense, and unaccepting.  (Take a peek at my Kids are Too Soft post).

The Mission: To bring awareness to the negative society we are becoming.  Humanity is Crumbling and We Need to Accept differing opinions through Acceptance and Humility.

Growing up, I was taught that there were many types of people.  People who will think, act and look differently than me.  This is life.  Nothing is the same and thank God it isn’t because that would make things boring.  As I got older, I have met many walks of life: I met the good, the crazy, the mean, the oversensitive, criminals, law-enforcers, military, blue-collar, white-collar, etc.  You name it, I’ve met them.  I have no doubt in my mind that you have met all these types of people as well. 

In my personal experience, I have just accepted all these types of people for who they are.  Did I always personally agree or approve of their actions and convictions in accordance with my own personal views?  Of course not, but I still ACCEPTED them, because they were on their own personal journey.  I didn’t have to bed them or spend the rest of my life locked away with them.  All I had to do was accept them as spiritual beings on their human Journey Called Life.

Why can’t our world get this?  Many people are so offended by everything.  Who cares?  It’s getting to the point now where someone will post their dislike for Cocoa Pebbles cereal and now they are a racist.  It is that ridiculous.  In my belief (again, this is MY opinion ), racism is over-rated.  Does racism exist?  Yes.  Does it need to be the center of everything?  No.  And if someone is racists, what are we going to do about it?  Scream, yell, and cause havoc over someone who hates another type of person?  Why?  Why waste your energy on someone who doesn’t have the same belief as you?  That goes for religion, feminism, jokes, wars, relationships – you name it – everyone has different opinions about something.  Welcome to Life and human personality.  Do we want everyone to be the same?

Welcome to America, Everyone!  Let me remind you of the First Amendment: Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition.  What does that mean?  We ALL can Worship who/what we want (yes, Devil-worshipers allowed), we ALL can Say whatever we want (I hate city-driving), we ALL can write whatever we want (hence why I’m writing this post), we ALL can get together and discuss protests (underground revolutions unite), we ALL can petition the government for changes (let’s collect autographs to change our healthcare system).  So with that explained, I understand that when one person says something, others may get angry because it doesn’t fit in their world.  But how do you plan to solve the problems with all the negativity?

The presidential election was nuts. 

This world really divided and we still are.  But what are you going to do about it?  Trump is our President.  Get over it and accept it.  When Obama was elected people didn’t bitch as much as everyone is now (not that I remember, anyway).  The media doesn’t help with any of this division either.  Bad attention is still attention.  And the media and our drama-filled world love attention – no matter what kind of attention it is.  And that’s unfortunate. 

Whether we agree with the President (whoever it is) or not, you have to trust and ACCEPT that they are on their own Journey Called Life and are doing their best that they are trying to make America a better place (in their eyes).  Think of that racist jerk at the coffee shop, that’s who he is and what anyone says to him to change his behavior, that’s who he is.  Why waste your energy on it?  Humanity is Crumbling We Need To Accept Differing Opinions through Acceptance and Humility.

Everyone is so focused on the negative.  They are fighting fire with fire.  Why not fight fire with water.  Instead of throwing back insults, you have two other choices: ignore/accept it or fight through positivity.  To fight through positivity you can make a social group (Right to Assemble) and promote Peace, for example.

Humanity is Crumbling We Need To Accept Differing Opinions through Acceptance and Humility

When someone says that people are different we automatically think the difference in politics, sports, food tastes… the small things.  Well, people have different opinions on the big stuff too like religions, different classes and colors of people, gay rights, drugs, and even job professions.  To be honest, I can’t understand why a woman would want to sell her body through stripping or prostitution, so because I don’t understand or support that life-style am I going to stand outside their place of work with a protest sign causing havoc?  Absolutely not!  I am going to ACCEPT that this is her life and it’s just something I (personally) wouldn’t do.  What do I don’t care what Bambi does to support herself?  I care what I do to support myself and to make MY life happy.

We are putting so much negative energy in this world and look at what we are getting back – you got it – negative energy. 

If we were just more ACCEPTING that people are different and focus more on putting positivity in this world, it WOULD be a better place.

All in all, you hang around friends, family, and acquaintances that are in your bubble.  Birds of a feather flock together.  If you are homophobic, no one is forcing you to hang out in a gay bar.  So why protest against THEIR LIFE?  Just ACCEPT that people are gay and You don’t like it.

I’m not saying to stop posting your “I Hate Trump” posts on Facebook because that would be against your First Amendment.  But what I am saying is to stop throwing out the negativity.  If you feel the need to comment and express your opinion, great, but let’s do it peacefully.  There is a way to do that, people – through Acceptance and Humility.

The Moral: We are negatively changing this world – we ALL have the POWER to change it POSITIVELY!  We are all on an individual Journey Called Life, but let’s Embrace our Journeys Together!


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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