Kids Today are too Soft 1

There is a definite shift in the attitudes of our children and young adults today.  If you haven’t noticed, it’s time to open your eyes.  What are we teaching our children?  Kids Today are too Soft and our country is in danger if the pendulum doesn’t swing back immediately.


It is known that our society has become too sensitive and too politically correct.  You can’t say ANYTHING without someone getting offended.  I will scroll through Facebook and watch a viral video (like we all do) and I glance through the comments.  Of course, you’ll have differing sides, but people get so nasty and will backlash by saying “if you don’t like it then don’t watch the video”.  Well – how will you know if you like it or not without watching it?  Here’s an idea: take it for what it is, make your comments if you must and then move on.  Why are people so up in arms about the littlest things?  OK – I’ll save my politically correct rant for another post… {Amanda – get back on track!}


Kids Today are too Soft – what are we doing to this generation of children and young adults?  To put it as nicely as I can – we have a bunch of pussies coming up to “rule” our country.  Let’s first talk sports.  I will be the first to admit that I am not a sports fan, but I’m not downplaying those that enjoy the competitive aspects of the games.  Reread that sentence and pay attention to my word competitive

That’s what sports are – two teams play a game and you have a winner and a loser.  That’s what makes the games exciting, right?  Why on earth are we teaching our children that just as long as you show up to “play” you get a medal or a trophy or a ribbon?  You showed up – congratulations!  What is that teaching our generation?  That kids don’t have to work, compete or try hard to work together as a team to carry out a goal?

Well, I’ve got news for you – LIFE is competitive.  Just because you show up at your job, does that mean you’ll get a pay raise?  No, you have to compete with other coworkers to get the promotion and OH, you actually have to WORK to continue employment.  I completely get that the little tykes will get upset and it’s saving their sensitive emotions, but they have to learn sometime and it’s best to teach them early that life isn’t always fair.  Then it becomes the parents’ job to teach their children how to handle losing and winning.


Parents… it’s all up to you to mold your children into commending citizens.  Did parents become lazy?  Are we just giving everything to our children because society is so politically correct now?  Is there enough discipline?  What is discipline anymore?  Whether or not you are for or against spanking – that is your opinion and I’m definitely not advocating abusive status by any means.  However, I not once heard someone say, “when I was young, my dad spanked me after I did x, y, and z and a week later I did it again.”  There are other ways to discipline your children besides spanking – for example – putting them in time out for the correct amount of time (depending on their age). 

The key with discipline is FOLLOWING THROUGH and TEACH THEM EARLY.  When I was a kid, all my mom had to do was look at me and I straightened up – now that’s discipline – no spanking involved.  I knew she was the boss and she meant business.  How did I know that?   Because there were consequences to my insubordinate actions – and I knew it.


Consequences – there aren’t any anymore.  Let’s look at the school system (I’ll be brief here – more posts to come on our lovely school systems).  We all can agree that everyone is different.  That’s what makes our world go round.  In schools, however, everyone is the same.  Our political system wants you to believe that schools value your children’s differences, but in reality, they want them all the same.  Again, you show up to school and you’re golden.  You will pass through grades even though you should probably stay back a year and vice versa – you might need to skip a grade for high proficiency, but nope – you will stay bored in your current classes.  Schools don’t allow any type of discipline either. 

It’s becoming a free for all.  Teachers have no say and in the inner city schools, they literally fear for their lives.  And do you think the administration has teachers’ backs?  No, why?  Because they are trying to appease the school board, which parents run – and the parents?  They are too naïve about what is going on in the schools.  I’m not saying to bring back the rulers and slapping kids on the wrists and I wholeheartedly do not believe in out of school suspensions, but the teachers need the power back from the students.  Students need to work for their grades and the rewards of an education.

Kids Today are too Soft

Work – what’s that?  Young adults don’t want to work.  They want everything given to them on a silver platter because that’s how they’ve been raised.  They feel entitled.  Just because you go to college does not mean a perfect career in your degree is waiting for you.  That’s a sad fact, but it’s a hard lesson for these college students.  Just because you showed up at your little league game doesn’t mean you’ll land that six figure job right out of college simply for the fact you got a higher education.  I know plenty of people who didn’t go to college and weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and are making six figures. 

Heaven forbid if the United States were to start a draft – who would go?  Do you think our young adults would sign up?  Think about this.  The same young adults that needed safe spaces, coloring books and puppies for the presidential election – would they go?  You can’t fight a war with crayons and pillows.


I’m not saying all of our children and young adults are like this – I am just generalizing.  I also know many young adults in this generation that are hard workers and go above and beyond expectations.  But there is a split and it’s a scary one at that.


We are all on an individual Journey.  Our Journey Called Life – our paths will not always be a paved, smooth road – there will be bumps, potholes, and forks.  We need to give our children the tools to overcome those unforeseen obstacles.


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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