Football Season is upon us and I just don’t get it. I don’t get the importance and the enthusiasm people have for these popular sports: football, baseball, hockey, golf – you name it. Don’t get me wrong, I tried to get into the games like my fellow friends and customers, but I can’t share the same hype as they do. I believe Sports Fans are Brainwashed Oversensitive and Obsessive Barbarians.
I would be tending bar when all of a sudden the crowd would explode in a boisterous groan of disappointment. All because so and so, didn’t catch the [insert expletive here] football. My immediate thought would be, “OK, one throw wasn’t caught? There’s always next time.” The same goes for a winning team. You would think everyone won the billion dollar lottery with the way they carry on.
The Mission: To explain, in my own personal opinion, why Sports are Making Fans into Brainwashed, Oversensitive and Obsessive Barbarians.
Let’s first talk about how B-O-R-I-N-G the games are.
I can go into each sport and describe them all, but I’m positive you know more than me. Some Seasons are better than others. I would say that Football is the most tolerable – at least you know when it begins and there is a big final ending – ONE ENDING (not seven). Hockey seems like it goes on for 10 months, but (after googling it) it’s roughly six. I understand that all the teams need to play a certain amount of games, yadda yadda, but really? Six months? It seems tiring and stressful to me.
In my opinion, does it really matter who wins or loses? It’s really only a game. A game that will have no genuine impact on anything except awards, rings, trophies, plaques, and Hall of Fame inductees. These players are considered “Heroes” and for what? Because they scored more touchdowns than the other players or because they can hit a ball with a bat or because they can throw a ball through a hoop? There are more deserving Heros in our world besides Babe Ruth hitting 60 home runs in 1927 (yes, I had to Google that). It just seems like a trivial career for fans to idolize while these players are making millions to play a game.
These sports are making people into Brainwashed, Oversensitive and Obsessive Barbarians. If their team loses, people pout, cry and get angry. I once had a boyfriend who threw away his favorite jersey because his team lost, lol – I still laugh about it. He threw away a $100 jersey because his team lost one game? Get real. If one mistake is made by your team, the same thing – people curse, name call, and go nuts. However, if something is done right or their team wins – look out – it’s party time! Fans go nuts over winning too – bottles are poppin’, twerking starts happening, and everyone’s hugging.
I’m currently in Eagle’s territory and we are notoriously noted for being the rudest, disgusting fans ever. Eagle’s Fans bully and harass other teams’ fans. Are people this obsessed with sports? You’d think every fan has monetary stock in their team winning (well, unless you’re betting – in that case, isn’t that illegal? So we won’t go there). What are the fans gaining from their team winning?
I completely understand that it’s a hobby for millions of people – it’s just not one of mine and I’ll never understand it. I’m not knocking it nor am I knocking people for enjoying sports. I just don’t understand the impact it has on fans. Playing the piano is a hobby of mine. Other people might think I’m crazy because they don’t understand my enjoyment of it. However, I don’t act like a raving lunatic when I mess up or if Beethoven comes on my playlist. Nor do I get in heated arguments over whether Mozart was a better pianist.

Players make too much money and fans support it.
It would make more sense to me if a player were getting a salary of that of a teacher or even a doctor. But why are contributing members of our society who are positively impacting our lives making less than Tom Brady? I completely get people love their sports and their favorite players, but do they really need to be making all this money? And fans allow it! How? They pay for the expensive tickets, $9 Coors Light drafts, $5 hotdogs – they are raping your wallets, people. The least they can do is provide seats with cushions! And don’t forget about the apparel: hats, t-shirts, jerseys, sweatshirts, etc. It’s just crazy to me. It’s not just the players that get paid the megabucks: it’s the planners, coordinators, owners, and multiple coaches. And who is paying their high-profile salaries? The Brainwashed, Oversensitive and Obsessive Fans.
I just don’t get the importance and the enthusiasm for these popular games. And that’s my Journey – not understanding sporting events. I’m not a very competitive person, so maybe that plays a part in my opinion as well. I’m not downplaying the opinions of others on sports either because I know it surrounds me and I’m outnumbered.
The Moral: I don’t like sports because I don’t understand the hype. Isn’t that where most of our world problems come from? From people NOT UNDERSTANDING. I may not like sports and I may share my reasons why, but I’m not criticizing others for liking them. Today, people don’t take the time to understand each other. Our collective Journey should be to accept and respect other people’s points of view.
Let me leave you with this: You are walking your Journey Called Life, however, we need to remember that we should be Embracing Our Life Journey Together.
Its the oldest form of brainwashing society as the romans did it with there arenas of the past