Angels Are Among Us 2

In my line of work as a bartender, I meet many walks of life. I see some interesting characters waltz in through those bar doors.  I have the hyper-energetic ones, the depressed, the friendly, the talkers, the jokesters and the assholes… just to name a few.  It never gets boring.  And sometimes you realize that Angels are among us.

A few months ago, I met an angel.

A man walked in that I’ve never seen before. He sat down and ordered a beer.  After some small talk, we proceeded to strike up more interesting conversations like business, life, racism, family and our small, nosy town.  To say this man was charismatic and down to earth is an understatement.  When he left, I was left with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.  I actually felt lucky that this man walked into my bar and chatted with me.  “It was a pleasure meeting you”, now takes on a truer meaning for me.  I met an angel – and it is one of those things that if you’ve never experienced it before, you’d think I was crazy.  That’s when I truly realized that Angels are among us.

In today’s hustle and bustle, it’s rare that you find a genuine, good-hearted person; a person that actually takes the time to listen, understand and give back without judgment.  If people just relax and accept others, this world would be a better place.

You might be thinking, “Amanda, I’ve got awesome friends – they are genuine”. Of course, they are, but that is sensitive to each individual and how they connect with each other.  I may have a connection with someone who you can’t tolerate.  That biased connection IS the friendship and should be embraced.

Angels are Among Us

I’m talking about the indisputable, honest-to-goodness, good-hearted souls out there. I’m talking about the ones who warm your heart, the ones who mean no harm, the ones who are loving, soulful, kind and giving.  They are out there – trust me.  And when you do come across one of these rare genuine breeds, revel in it!

You won’t regret it.


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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