You might have heard that the mecca of social media is a “little” thing called Facebook. Everyone and their mother has a Facebook account and who can blame them? It’s a wonderful way to stay connected with family and friends, especially the ones that live far away. It’s also a brilliant tool to keep an eye on your crushes or exes – come on, you know you’ve done it! Me? I have an On Again and Off Again Facebook Relationship (I think I’ll update my marital status to that)!
I’ve had a Facebook account for years. I had friends that I haven’t seen in years and no longer cared about. Being “poked” at random times by people I didn’t think wanted to physically touch me was always special. Even being harassed and tormented by old high school girlfriends whom I thought got over their insecurities was a hurdle for me. Then after a while, it got to be too much for me. I was sick of hearing how great everyone’s day was, what they ate for breakfast and begging me for Farmville coins. So I deleted my account and was even able to not log in for the 14 days for a complete removal. I didn’t miss it and, in fact, I was relieved.
The year prior my deletion, I would go through my friend’s list monthly and remove all the “friends” that I haven’t communicated within the past 6 months. After weeding out the “ghosts”, I noticed that the friends I was left with were family and true friends that I talked or texted with on the actual phone (or *gasp* saw in person). So in my mind, why did I need a Facebook account? If I just bought a new car and wanted to spread my joy, then I would call my best friend and tell her. Facebook seemed so impersonal toward my good friends yet too personal for the people that I haven’t seen in over 10 years.
Facebook and I broke up for 3 years.
Then I started a blog. When I got this crazy blog idea, I vowed to myself that I wasn’t going to start a FB account. I was going to skirt my way around the dreaded Facebook. I was quite proud of myself that I was able to hide from the social media spotlight for all these years. That is until I had a conversation with my dear friend, Lauren (she is one that I actually see on a regular basis).
We were doing our usual catch-up banters and I told her that I started a blog. She was excited for me as she enjoys reading my work… or so she tells me. I explained to her how I was on Twitter, Pinterest, and even Instagram! Then her question came, “What about Facebook?” And my reply, “I hate Facebook, I’m going to avoid it.” And with one sentence she convinced me, “Amanda… you have no choice.”
Of course, she was right – Lauren is right about many things (that’s why we’re friends. I like to surround myself with remarkably smart people). After her one sentence guilt trip, I paused, sighed and said: “yeah, I guess.”
Lauren Side Note: Lauren has done many delightful things for me throughout our years of friendship. She got me two jobs, talked me off metaphorical ledges, made me go out on my first date with my husband, had countless non-judgmental conversations with me and so much more that I will be forever grateful… I had no choice but to trust her.
So it’s her fault that I’m back together with Facebook after a peaceful hiatus. She better be right about this too!
*Sigh* Here goes nothing – you can find me on Facebook @ my Journey Called Life Page. Like Me! Friend me! Follow me! Stalk me! Like me, Again! Poke me! (do they even do that anymore?)
I apologize to everyone that I will be bugging to FRIEND ME in the near future as I once again build my list.
I completely understand that as a blogger, I need to get my name out there and I would be crazy not to use Facebook as a social media platform. However, my own personal triumphs and stubbornness were getting in my own way. Even though it’s genuinely me behind my new Facebook account, it is strictly a business/blog page… or that’s what I keep telling myself, anyway.
It’s a necessary evil, I suppose, so welcome Facebook back into my life – we are back on again; treat me right!
In this Journey Called Life we are forced to make tough decisions to better your life or projects. This was one of my toughest… Thanks again, Lauren.
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