Rookie Blogger

Put yourself in a metaphorical time machine and travel back to some of your Firsts. Think of your first kiss; the excitement, the stress and finally the relief.  Now think about your first job… same thing – the excitement, the stress and then relief when you got it over with!

What about your first driving experience? Living on your own? Pets?  Kids?  Marriage?  And we can’t forget about sex!

Rookie Blogger

We all can relate to those first time experiences and feelings.  I feel it’s the same for all of us; the anticipation, the excitement and thrill, the anxiety, and that “ahh!” moment when it’s all over.  Sure, after a while those feelings fade and then the mundane routine begins.

I have to tell you now, though, that I’m riding those highs of “Firsts” with my blogging journey.  Starting this blog has been on my bucket list for some time now. And when I say “some time”, I mean years – just buzzing around in my head.

One month ago, I decided to take the plunge. 

I bought my domain name. Cue the excitement!  How was I going to set it up? What the heck is WordPress?  I thought a plugin only corresponded with an air freshener!  There are how many themes? And each theme does what?

Enter stress! Followed by a crap ton of research!  Google was my best friend, along with multiple checklists. My To Do apps sure got a lot of attention too.  Then my doubt kicked up a notch.  Will this all be worth it? Will I find peace in my new hobby?  How many social media accounts do I have to sign up for?  I have to make another account and what should my password be this time? A Gravatar?… oh brother!

The research stage was intense.  I want to take the time to thank 3 particular blogging sites that really helped me through: Successful BloggingFor-Profit Blogging and CoSchedule – thank you, thank you, thank you!

Then, finally, after 14 new accounts,  4 social media platforms, knowledge of image licensing rules, 1 editorial calendar, 8 new apps (and an extra home screen to hold them), social media tips and 3 WordPress themes later (and a partridge in a pear tree). I felt ready to launch my site.


Welcome back excitement!

I am fully aware that there is still a lot of learning to do.  There is an abundance of research yet to be explored.  However, now I can honestly say that I have a blog for the first time in my life… (besides my Angelfire boyband fan page. .. you know what I’m talking about!)

My promise to you (and me) is this:  As long as I am happy with my accomplishments with my blog, I will continue my hard work to make this a success.  I have extremely high standards for myself – it’s the perks that come with being a self-proclaimed perfectionist!  I enjoy helping and guiding others.  It comforts my soul to lend a helping hand, offer an open mind and offer thought-provoking advice.  That is my promise and that is why I started my First Blog.

Hello, world! My name is Amanda Sue and I am a Rookie Blogger!

Firsts are exhilarating and scary. It takes everything you’ve got so the rush of your adrenaline doesn’t burst through your pores!

But that’s just a part of this Journey we are all on… this Journey Called Life!


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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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