Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life

I have one question for you: How was your day?  No, really, how was it?  Give me a thought-provoking answer instead of the mindless, empty ‘good’ response. If you are reading this post, I am sure you have heard about the Law of Attraction.  Therefore, I am sure you are aware that if you Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life, ‘good’ will never be good enough.

The Mission: How to Apply the Law of Attraction to Your Everyday Life.

First, for those of you who have just started your Law of Attraction journey, what is the Law of Attraction?  To put it simply, it is attracting what you believe into your life.  When you think or feel a certain way, the Universe (or your world) will show you more evidence of it.  What you put out there, you get back.  You can Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life to live the life you desire.  There is just one catch… you must believe it to be true.  Here are some examples:

  • Because you have not met that special person, you believe you are unlovable and will be single forever.  Consequently, you are correct, and you will see more indications to support your mindset.  A date may stand you up, you strike out on that cheesy, but cute pick-up line, or you just feel too isolated to get out and mingle.
  • You tell yourself and believe that you are always broke and that money is evil.  In that constant frame of mind, you will only see evidence of being broke.  You will have more bills to pay, your car breaks down, or you lose your job.
  • Truly believing that you are grateful for your life, will only give you more to be grateful for.  You will have a happy home, a beautiful family, or delicious meals due to your bangin’ cooking skills.  Does anyone say bangin’ anymore?

The point is, your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs dictate how you perceive the world around you.  To Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life you have to feel it in your heart, and actually believe it to be true.  Furthermore, the Universe is very literal.  If you tell yourself that you are searching for your soulmate, you will forever be searching.  Or if you believe that you are trying to save money, you will forever be trying to save money.

Apply the Law of Attraction to Your Everyday Life

The Law of Attraction is not always easy, especially if what you crave seems extreme.  Like any exercise, physical or mental, it takes patience and practice.  Start off small.  When an undesirable thought enters your mind, acknowledge it, and turn it around.  For example, let us say you get fired from your job, instead of beating yourself up and talking negatively about yourself, think about the new and better opportunity that is headed your way.  Let me be clear, I am not saying that bad things will never happen, it is your Journey Called Life, after all, but it is how you respond to those obstacles that will change the way you perceive the world.

So now, how was your day?  How did you feel when you woke up?  What were your thoughts throughout your day?  How did you feel mid-evening or at night?  Be kind and mindful about what you tell yourself and Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life.

The Moral: Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life because when you believe you are surrounded in abundance, the Universe will have no choice but to deliver bangin’ results.

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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