As my birthday fast approaches, I am left to ponder The Art of Aging Well. The older I get the more I think about Life and my Journey. As Life Lessons become clearer, other things, like my vision, becomes a bit fuzzier.
The Mission: To analyze The Art of Aging Well and Realizing Age is Just a Number.
Many of us get excited for our birthday. Some dedicate the whole weekend to ourselves, and others the whole month. However you celebrate, your birthday, is worth rejoicing. It’s a personal holiday dedicated to you.
On the other hand, there are those that despise their dreaded day of getting older. Well, Journey Embracers, age is just a number. It’s not about the years you are gaining, but the wisdom you are acquiring. Age is just a number – it’s how you feel in your heart. Therefore, if you feel like an old curmudgeon, then, yes, your birthdays will be another year of misery. However, if your heart feels young, then, congratulations, you’ve found the magic elixir of everlasting youth.
Like I have said many times in my posts, it’s all about perception. Thoughts create things. It’s ultimately your choice how you honor your birthday, but choose wisely because your Soul’s Journey depends on it.

Let’s take this a little deeper… In the grand scheme of things, we don’t spend a long time here on this earth in a singular human lifetime. Human birthdays are meaningless. We simply just get older, wrinkly, and achy. However, it’s our Souls, our Hearts, that gain all of the knowledge and wisdom. The Art of Aging Well is not about the latest night creams that keep our faces youthful, or the extra mile we run to keep our bodies in shape. The Art of Aging Well is keeping your sense of humor, doing things that make you happy, and by keeping your mind sharp through imagination, play and wonderment.
If you’re a believer in Reincarnation, the body you are borrowing this lifetime is only an avatar. That avatar physically ages throughout the years, but it’s your Soul that learns the lessons. Your Soul comes back time and time again through different avatars to gain as much knowledge as it can to learn previous Life lessons failed. We simply can’t learn all of these hard, earthly, 3D lessons in one traditional human lifetime. It must be repeated again and again until we pass. Then it’s on to a more advanced class of lessons to learn.
The Art of Aging Well is loving yourself and loving others. Life and the yearly birthdays it brings doesn’t have to be dreadful, it’s an opportunity to try again, learn, and grow. Experiencing the joys and growing from the bad.