Give Yourself Permission to Feel Depressed, Anxious, and Crappy 1

There’s no denying that feeling crappy sucks.  And when that crappy feeling lasts days, weeks, or even months is hard to fight your way out of the hole. Instead of fighting it, Give Yourself Permission to Feel Depressed, Anxious, and Crappy.

The Mission:  Find freedom and peace and Give Yourself Permission to Feel Depressed, Anxious, and Crappy.

There seems to be a high societal standard that one must feel upbeat, happy, and put together one hundred percent of the time.  This is unrealistic.  Instead, we fake it until we make it.  Hiding behind our fake smiles: in essence, lying to ourselves and others.  Moreover, making us feel even worse for not staying true to ourselves. 

Give Yourself Permission to Feel Depressed, Anxious, and Crappy.  Stop resisting it. If you feel a certain way, go within and feel it.  Experience your true emotions. Don’t fight them, rather fight through them. 

Get to the bottom of:

  • WHY do you feel the way you do?
  • WHAT can you do with that information?
  • HOW can you integrate that into your life to get you feeling less depressed, anxious, and crappy?
Give Yourself Permission to Feel Depressed, Anxious, and Crappy

No one is top-notch all of the time.  We all wear a facade to show our best selves.  And that’s ok.  But don’t deny your true feelings to yourself.  Don’t brush them off to the side and forget about them. If you continually bury them deeper and deeper, they will form roots to only grow later into large weeds that will be much harder to deal with later on. 

Sit quietly with yourself, without any distractions (like endless phone scrolling) to really feel the cause of your feelings.

Grab a pen and some paper, to get those feelings out of your body.

Lay on the couch and spend time with yourself.

Whatever your method, the root of your emotions needs to be acknowledged in order to move forward. Pain is Inevitable, but so is Healing.

But first, you need to Give Yourself Permission to Feel Depressed, Anxious, and Crappy.

The Moral:  It’s ok to feel how you feel.  There is no shame in being human.  We are all on a Journey Called Life.  We signed up to feel these heavy emotions. However, the key is what will you do with them?

Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace your Journey Called Life.

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About Amanda Sue

I’m on a Journey. A Journey Called Life. Destination? Unknown. Happiness? Generally. Frustrations? Definitely. Embracing it? You bet I am! [Enlighten, Encourage & Embrace]

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