
Apply the Law of Attraction to your Everyday Life

I have one question for you: How was your day?  No, really, how was it?  Give me a thought-provoking answer instead of the mindless, empty ‘good’ response. If you are reading this post, I am sure you have heard about the Law of Attraction.  Therefore, I am sure you are […]

10+ Ways to Reach a Higher Vibration 1

In an unpredictable world, sometimes things can get a bit heavy.  You’re on a Journey Called Life, and let’s face it, it can be pretty messy.  However, with the right tools and mindset, you can raise your vibration to make your Life more enjoyable… or at least tolerable.  By consciously […]

The Art of Aging Well

As my birthday fast approaches, I am left to ponder The Art of Aging Well.  The older I get the more I think about Life and my Journey. As Life Lessons become clearer, other things, like my vision, becomes a bit fuzzier. The Mission: To analyze The Art of Aging […]

Your Perception Creates Your Reality 3

Did you ever hear the saying that what you send out, you get back?  Or how about thoughts create your reality?  What about this one: you become what you believe?  These whimsical sayings aren’t just spells crafted by wood witches.  Perhaps there is truth of reality behind what we think […]

10 Ways to Remain Calm During Chaos 1

In desperate times, the world can look like a scary place. However, it is possible to overcome even the most difficult challenges in a dignified way.  Here are 10 Ways to Remain Calm During Chaos. The Mission: To understand and conduct 10 Ways to Remain Calm During Chaos. Take a […]

The Art of Living a More Simplistic Life

The Art of Living a More Simplistic Life 1

It’s so easy in this complicated world to get all wrapped up in the expectations of society.  Our cultural presumptions of what we should do and where we should be in life confine each and every one of us. “Don’t do this”, “you should have done that”, “this is your […]

Perhaps The Secret Isn’t So Secret After All 2

I have to be honest, when I first read Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, my first thought was “what load of shit is this?”  Considering myself pretty spiritual, I do believe in reincarnation and Fate.  I own multiple tarot and oracle decks and even *gasp* a Ouija board.  Currently, as I […]

Perhaps The Secret Isn’t So Secret After All

What is the Meaning of Life? 1

What is the meaning of life? Why are we here?  What is our purpose?  These questions have puzzled mankind since the Big Bang.  Take a moment and think about this – really think about it.  Why are you here?  Is it to just to grow up, go to school, work, […]