The One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment 1
The One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment is to Have Realistic Expectations.
The One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment is to Have Realistic Expectations.
I have to be honest, when I first read Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, my first thought was “what load of shit is this?” Considering myself pretty spiritual, I do believe in reincarnation and Fate. I own multiple tarot and oracle decks and even *gasp* a Ouija board. Currently, as I […]
The clouds roll in like thick plumes of locomotive smoke. Rain droplets the size of ping-pong balls begin to fall from the blackening sky. A funnel forms and drops to earth uprooting everything within its path. It’s a Twister, It’s a Twister! The storm lasts for months and it takes […]
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What is our purpose? These questions have puzzled mankind since the Big Bang. Take a moment and think about this – really think about it. Why are you here? Is it to just to grow up, go to school, work, […]