
Does Your Vote Really Matter This Election?

Whether you choose to vote in this election or not, this is one big decision to make.  We are forced to make a decision based on one extreme to the other.  So, Does Your Vote Really Matter This Election?   Mission: To examine if one candidate is better suited for […]

6 Simple Steps to Making a Tough Life Altering Decision

We’ve all been there.  You’re faced with a tough life altering decision.  Therefore, that proverbial fork in the road is staring you down.  The unknown is scary and knowing your life will be affected by your choice is even scarier. The Mission: Providing you 6 Simple Steps to Making Tough […]

A Forced Decision 4

Most of the time in this Journey Called Life we get to make our own decisions.  Some decisions are, naturally, easier than others, but at least we have free will to make those conscious choices. Some, however, are A Forced Decision. There are times, however, that Fate, the Universe or […]

It’s All In Your Approach 3

It’s All in your Approach… I was mad. I didn’t get what I wanted, so my approach was packing up my bags and run away. In my six-year-old mind, I took all of the essentials: clothes, my favorite stuffed animal and my favorite 2-foot doll, Cricket. All of my precious […]

Plan B 1

Life is unpredictable, uncertain and just plain confusing. One year can seem like a boring “OMG nothing is happening in my life” routine, while seemly wonderful things are happening to your surrounding peeps (does anyone use that term anymore?).  Then it seems like in 1 week, life as you knew […]