Nothing is worse than getting your hopes up extremely high only to come crashing down like a burning plane. We’ve all been there. The anticipation of a situation or event builds up and the eagerness intensifies to point of excited explosion. Then like a sharp punch to the gut, it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. You think how you could have ever let your hopes get up so high and think if there was a One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment.
The Mission: Avert high hopes by establishing a practice in The One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment.
It seems like I’m a natural at getting my hopes up high and then reality knocks me down to earth at zero gravity speed. It doesn’t matter if I’m going to an event, seeing a movie, reuniting with family, or simply expecting an online purchase; I create these fantastic scenarios of glorious encounters and magical moments in my head. However, once the monumental moment presents itself, it really wasn’t all that I perfectly expected. That soul-crushing disappointment is, lack of a better term, intensely disappointing.
If you’re anything like me: someone who likes to create mountains out of molehills, then heed my advice. The One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment is simple. In three simple, yet essential words: Have Realistic Expectations.
If you keep yourself grounded and be realistic and honest with your expectations, then the fall won’t be so bad. To avoid getting high in the clouds with hope is to lower yourself. I’m not saying to have no hope or to lessen your hope. Because hope is good – hope keeps us going. But just be mindful to keep yourself grounded.

On a positive note to this advice, if you go into a situation with grounded expectations, it will most likely come out better on the other end. Do I need to clarify that better? If you go in with lower expectations the outcome of the circumstances will surprise you and your experience will be much more rewarding.
The Moral: The One and Only Way to Avoid Intense Disappointment is to Have Realistic Expectations. And remember, have an open mind because this Journey Called Life has a sense of humor. What you throw out into the Universe, you will get back in some way, shape, or form – it’s all about perspective.
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